Wendy McNamee

Hand spinning is a timeless, therapeutic and practical skill whose history stretches back over generations and millenia into long forgotten times. And yet, it is impossible to underestimate the enjoyment and sense of achievement of designing and creating your own yarn and turning it into a precious garment or item.

A keen knitter since a young teenager, once I learnt to spin – I have just wanted to spin and spin and spin! And this led me to set up Argent Hand Spinning so that I can bring the same joy and excitement to others.

I achieved the Level 3 in Hand Spinning some years ago and am now able to offer the UK’s only accredited spinning courses which allow you to both develop and consolidate your skills as a spinner whilst achieving a recognised award.

I’m based on the edge of the Cotswolds, near the town of Stroud which is a historic woollen town with many old mill buildings on the banks of the rivers and streams. Today, it is known for its artistic communities and embracing of alternative culture.

Come and join me - enjoy the local ambience and learn to spin!
